
“Into this den of nostalgia enters a pregnant woman (the extraordinary Charise Greene), who is filled with a no-nonsense desperation.”

“Actor Charise Greene as Augusta steals every scene as she storms across the stage in anger, imposes frightening lines of questioning on the characters, drinks the drinks of audience members, and even plays with their cell phones.”
-Theater Is Easy

“The very last moment differs so dramatically from the original so as to leave no doubt that this is Williams’s play and the literal show-stopper is all thanks to the indefatigable Charise Greene as Arkadina.”

“Charise was named one of NYC’s actors to look out for in American Theatre Magazine.”
- American Theatre Magazine, Molly Rice

“Lady Bracknell is completely unrecognizable (which is not to say bad- Charise Greene’s deliriously insane performance is one of the highlights of the show).”
-Broadway World
"Off the Grid," which Charise wrote and stars in, won the Gold Medal for best micro-film in the International New York Film Festival. It was also an official select at the Global Indie Film Festival, the New York Mobile Film Festival and the Cannes International Cinema Festival.

“Greene gives a highly compelling and convincing performance, with a nuanced juxtaposition of Joanna’s strength and seeming frailty. She reveals Joanna’s combination of disillusionment and courage progressively, giving the character a convincing and delightful development through the play.”
“As Joanna, Charise Greene has a natural ease on stage which is very attractive. We believe her as the play’s conscience. Greene creates a nice balance of shrewdness and naivety.”

“On the opposite end of the power spectrum is the struggling adjunct, Joanna (a passionate Charise Greene) who, when not serving coffee to the others, desperately seeks a balance between her idealism and her need for tenure track.”
- TheaterMania

“Joanna, a struggling but ambitious adjunct, played by the highly focused Charise Greene, is brought in to complete the triumvirate when its third member is taken ill, and she becomes the pawn of her elders.”
- Blog Critics

“As Irina, Charise Greene is blunt, animated and over-the-top, and it’s impossible to take one’s eyes off her.”

“Incredible energy and dexterity from Charise Greene…How these women maintain a shape to the whole is miraculous, and the incredible finale is the biggest, best surprise of all.”
-Theatre Mirror

“It was Charise Greene as the doctor who shimmied and shook her way into the limelight.”